UVA Arts, University of Virginia

Vol 04 Spring 16 Library
University Singers

Making Music and Connecting Cultures – University Singers European Tour

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Last April, the University Singers performed Beethoven’s 9th in Charlottesville. A few months later, they found themselves in Vienna on the group’s first international tour in decades, standing on the very ground where the world heard it for the first time. The moment was just one of many highlights during a highly successful tour that traveled to England, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Austria. The music and the settings in which it was made created magic throughout the journey, according to University Singers Director Michael Slon. “The cathedrals where we performed in both Prague and Krakow had stunning acoustics, and the music was somehow cast in a new light, as if some inner beauty came out of it by performing it in these extraordinary settings.” 

It was certainly a transformative experience for the students on the trip, and one we would love to offer students in the future.
Michael SLon

Using their music, the group was also able to spread goodwill to audiences with whom they shared common ground. “The University was gracious enough to arrange a reception for London alumni prior to our concert there, and we had dozens join us. It was a wonderful way to connect with our wider UVA family.” New fans and friends were earned in the Czech Republic when the group performed “Tancuj,” a popular Czech folk song for a standing-room-only crowd. “They were obviously delighted to hear their own music from us, and spontaneously started clapping along. It was the kind of cultural perspective you couldn’t easily get in the classroom.”  Slon is very thankful to the Music Department, College Development, and individual sponsors for their support. “It was certainly a transformative experience for the students on the trip, and one we would love to offer students in the future.”

The University Singers perform in St. John's Smith Square, London
(Photo: University Singers)
The UVA U-Singers enjoy a moment overlooking Prague
(Photo: University Singers)
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